
Life Drawing & Perspective Drawing Classes @GLG
Taught by artist, James Kenyon

GLG will be hosting weekly drawing classes beginning in April where music, wine and inspiration will abound. Classes are open to all skill levels and will be taught by award winning artist and sculptor and qualified life drawing lecturer, James Kenyon.

Class 1: Life Drawing
Mondays 6PM - 8PM
12 April - 14 June

For those wanting to bring their skills up to date in drawing the face, the body and foreshortening the figure, this course aims to guide you through the structure of the figure so that the artist can easily break down the geometry to enable them to draw faster and with more accuracy over time.

Class 2: Perspective Drawing
Tuesdays 6PM - 8PM
13 April - 8 June

Ideal for those studying or interested in architecture and drawing, this class will teach you the techniques of perspective and spatial drawing.

Casual Class: $20 on the door
Please contact the Gallery to arrange booking for ongoing attendance

Class cost includes; Easels, model, charcoal, paper, a glass of wine and music

For more information and bookings contact;

p: 9642 0042
m: 0422 442 363